Tooltip icon color
in progress
Daria Izotova
in progress
Anton Kovalenko
Cool! Thank you!
Daria Izotova
Anton Kovalenko: I wanted to give you a quick heads-up that to make sure your theme colors display correctly after deployment, all you need to do is make a change to any field in the theme builder. It's totally okay if you reset it to the default settings after making the change - just remember to modify at least one field. We're sorry for any confusion this may cause, and our team is already working hard to fix this issue.
Daria Izotova
Anton Kovalenko: And don't forget to click button Push Changes before deploying to send all your changes to the server)
Daria Izotova
Yes, we have some problems syncing the theme with your app preview. No worries, though, once your application is published, the tooltip icon will be gray color that you prefer. We're currently working on fixing this issue. Thanks so much for understanding!
Also, you can override both the tooltip icon and placeholder color by changing the color in the field Placeholder in the Theme builder.